
Search our list of partners and other addiction and mental health treatment services and related resources by name, services or other keywords:

A list of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in the Mid-South by Memphis Area Intergroup Association

The mission of CasaLuz is to prevent and reduce domestic violence and related crimes in the Spanish-speaking community and to promote equal access to justice and other services.

Love Doesn’t Hurt helps to provide assistance to victims of Domestic & Sexual Violence in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community to provide emergency shelter, transportation, food, clothing and relocation for those in Shelby County area. Through the assistance of our partner agencies we have been able to reach out and educate those in the community of the impact that domestic violence has taken on the Mid-South.

Memphis Addiction Help is a collaboration between Church Health and Christ United Methodist Church, and it serves as a single source for all things related to treatment and recovery services in Memphis and West Tennessee. Here, you can learn about different types of treatment, how to access affordable care, and find the program that best fits your needs. Explore recovery options, visit our blog, or learn about prevention efforts in your community and nationwide. Whether you are looking for a loved one or for yourself, Memphis Addiction Help is here for you.

The M.A.I.A. Office, under the direction of the Memphis Area Intergroup Association, serves the greater Memphis metropolitan area. The office supports the individual groups of Alcoholics Anonymous in the Memphis area, and seeks to help those individuals who feel they may have a problem with alcohol and wish to find an AA meeting to attend.

A service of Mental Health America of the MidSouth, the Mental Health Resource Locator is a directory of mental health treatment facilities across the Mid-South and surrounding regions.